"Tragic Theater" Trailer Rated X by MTRCB

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The most awaited horror film for 2015 'Tragic Theater' getting X rating from the Movie and Television Review and Classification Board(MTRCB). The rating effectively bans the film trailer from being shown in local theaters or on television. The main reason why the 'Tragic Theater' got an X rating because it was too scary.  Tragic Theater stars Christopher De Leon, John Estrada and Andi Eigenmann.

"Tragic Theater" is based on the G.M. Coronel novel about a group of spirit communicators who attempted to exorcise the Manila Film Center, the rushed construction of which reportedly left more than a hundred workers buried alive in 1981.

MTRCB's 2004 Implementing Rules and Regulations, a film is given an X-rating if it contains scenes of "gratuitous sex and/or violence; patently lewd, offensive and demeaning depiction of sexual conduct; an attack against any race, creed, or religion; condoning and encouraging the use of illegal drugs and substances; undermining the faith and confidence of people in government; glorifies criminals or condones crimes; libelous to the good name of a person; and constitute contempt of court."

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