Roxanne Cabanero Wants Her Confidence Back In Joining Miss World Philippines 2014

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The controversial beauty queen contestant Roxanne Cabanero joins Miss World Philippines 2014. Roxanne Cabanero became controversial when she filed a rape case against Vhong Navarro this year.
According to her she joins Miss World Philippines 2014 to gain her confidence back. Here are some statement of Roxanne Cabanero.

“For almost 7 months I have been hiding myself. And I think this is a great opportunity for me to just go out there and really reclaim the confidence that I lose 7 months ago because I was really publicly humiliated,”

“And right now I just want to follow my dream. I’ve been a beauty queen by heart. What made me decide [to join the contest] because of reclaiming my confidence and the support of my boyfriend.”

“Physically I am back. Emotionally I am still 70%. Thirty percent a little scared pa kaunti (a little). I want to be a hundred percent again. The confident Roxanne that I use to be.”
"This is a beauty pageant, a beauty in giving. That’s the whole advocacy of the beauty pageant. As we all what I went through 7 months ago, as a victim I think this my time to really give that face. If you are a victim, you don’t need to be afraid anymore. You go out there, fight for your right and just live and go on with your life."

"I still want to pursue my law degree. And I will be a lawyer, that will be a hundred percent sure in the future. My advocacy would really be fight for your rights... rape doesn’t only happen to women but also happens to men. The whole thing is just to be confident, go out there and be yourself again," 

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