Precious Lara Quigaman Controversial Posts

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Former beauty queen Precious Lara Quigaman posts controversial Bible quotes. Quigaman posted the controversial Bible quotes last January 17, 2014 during the visit of Pope Francis. Is she referring to Pope Francis and to all the Roman Catholic Christian? Netizens made anger to Quigaman posts.

"Jesus. Salvation comes no other way; no other name has been or will be given to us by which we can be saved... Acts 4:12 (MSG)”

“I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. – Jesus Christ, John 14:6”

According to Quigaman stated:

“I respect Pope Francis. I am grateful to him for bringing home to our kababayans and making a lot of us smile. I think he is doing a great job,” said Quigaman, 

“Whether you are a Catholic or a Born Again, we are all Christians – and you will find that in your Bible. I’m sure even the Pope believes these verses,” she added. “And you know what made me sad? People asking me to respect them when I think they don’t even know what it means to respect someone. You are the ones who are not respecting me and what I believe in.”

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