During the Oscar's awards night the host Neil Patrick Harris wearing only his undies. The photo shows Neil Patrick Harris and his undies goes viral online. It also shows his bulges in that night. According to him "No enhancements, but I'll tell you what happened," said the Oscars host. "They always want you to be in funny costumes as the host. … I'm not one for crazy costumes. I don't love it, but the Birdman bit seemed funny, and so we thought it'd be a fun thing to do, and it seemed appropriate at the time.
"So we did the dress rehearsal, and I just had the pair of regular underwear on," he continued. "But the lights! They see-through things!"
"So the Academy or the network or someone said we had to do something so you couldn't tell my religion. So what they did was they had to take a second pair and sew it to the first to make it so that you couldn't sort of see through it."
"But, no sock!" he reassured the audience, to much applause.
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