Newborn Baby Mouth Sealed With Tape In Maternity Hospital Cebu City

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Newborn Baby mouth sealed with tape in Maternity Hospital Cebu City photos goes viral. Ryan Noval and Jasmine Badocdoc parents of the new born baby were shocked when they saw their child's mouth sealed with tape. 

The couple return to the hospital to breastfeed their son and was shocked to find their son's lips tape while sleeping at the nursery. They asked the nurse why their son was taped, a nurse told them the baby was crying too loud that's why she tape the mouth. 

Jasmine asked the nurse to remove the plaster from her son’s lips. But the nurse reportedly told her to remove the plaster herself. Jasmine hesitated in fear of hurting her son, so the nurse removed the tape eventually. The baby cried during the process which broke his parents’ heart.

A top official from the Department of Health (DoH) 7 announced an investigation on the case of a newborn baby whose mouth was reportedly taped by a nurse for crying too loud inside the hospital nursery.

The baby named Yohannes born last May 3 in Cebu Puericulture Center and Maternity House Inc. 

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